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Waiver Exception Resolution #01-0520


WHEREAS: The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) issued PIH Administrative Notice 20-05 on Friday April 10th, 2020;

WHEREAS: The Notice covered a variety of waivers and administrative exceptions that HUD is willing to grant to all public housing agencies to address the requirements of social distancing for the duration of any federal, State, or local directives or Executive Orders that call for minimization of public contact and public interactions;

WHEREAS: The Notice contains language that applies to administrative activities related to applicants and existing program participants for the Public Housing Program.  It covers verification of household eligibility and income data.

WHEREAS: The Notice requires a housing agency to opt in by July 31, 2020 to those waivers that it elects to implement.  In addition, some waivers are deemed "short term" and terminate. July 31,2020 and some are deemed "long term" and terminate December 31, 2020;

WHEREAS: Most of the key administrative relief granted in the Notice is the ability of the Authority to rely on self-certifications where 3rd party or actual physical inspections or meeting were required.  The Notice makes clear that all self-certifications are subject post-audit and enforcement for false certification.  All housing agencies are also granted authority to be as expansive as need be in terms of specific language in the self-certification forms;

WHEREAS AND FURTHERMORE: Administrative flexibility is required to allow the Executive Office to respond to rapidly changing circumstances and make decisions on a situation-by situation basis; and

NOW, THERE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Tifton hereby authorize the Executive Director to:

  1. Implement any waiver or exception listed in PIH Administrative Notice 20-05, or not, based on a balancing of the best interest of the public, the THA employees, the program participants and program integrity and compliance requirements.
  2. Design and implement all required self-certification forms that meet the HUD minimum requirements as well as THA needs in order to maintain program integrity and support a vigorous post-audit process on applicants and program participants.
  3. Maintain the information that HUD requires as to which waivers or exceptions are implemented and a list of the households that benefited from the waivers or program participant complaint about unit physical compliance that benefited from the waivers or exceptions. 

Authority to implementation of all identified waivers is retroactive to April 13, 2020.

Chairman:  Dr. Homer Day
Date 5/15/2020



Below is a list of the topics subject to statutory and regulatory requirements waivers identified in HUD Notice PIH 2020-05.

Subject of  Waivers that Apply to the Public Housing:

  1. PHA 5-Year and Annual Plan Submission Dates, Significant Amendment Requirements.
  2. Family Income and Composition: Delayed Annual Examination
  3. Family Income and Composition: Annual Examination-Income Verification Requirements
  4. Family Income and Composition: Interim Examinations
  5. Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) Monitoring
  6. Waiting List: Opening and Closing; Public Notice
  7. Uniform Financial Reporting Standard; Filing of Financial Reports; Reporting Compliance Dates
  8. Waives the Requirement to Submit 50058 Forms within 60 Days
  9. Extension of Deadlines for Capital Grant Funds Actual Modernization Cost Certificates
  10. Allows for the Use of Force Account Labor for Modernization Activities
  11. Changes to Approval Process for Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP)
  12. Suspends the Community Services & Self-Sufficiency Requirement
  13. Allows for the Delay in Due Dates of Energy Audits One Year Beyond 2020
  14. Changes to Deadline for Implementation of Over-Income Families Rule
  15. Provides for Delaying Updates to Utility Allowance Schedules to 12/31/2020
  16. Advance Notifications to Tenants are Not Required Except for Policies Related to Tenant Charges
  17. PHA to Retain Prior Year PHAS Score Unless Requests Otherwise
  18. Provides a One-Year Extension for Reporting Operating and Capital Fund Expenditures

Click here to view/download the above notice as a printable PDF (all information provided above).

Summary of Waivers

Click here to view/download the waiver summary as printable PDF (all information provided below).

This chart summarizes the waivers authorized under this Notice and the availability period for each.

PH and HCV-1 PHA 5-Year and Annual Plan Submission Dates: Significant Amendment Requirements

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 5A(a)(1), Section 5A(b)(1), Section 5A(g), Section 5A(h)(2). Regulatory Authority §§ 903.5(a)(3), 903.5(b)(3), 903.13(c), 903.21, 903.23

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Alternative dates for submission. Changes to significant amendment process

Availability Period Ends: Varies based on FYE, 12/31/20

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH and HCV-2 Family Income and Composition: Delayed Annual Examinations

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 3(a)(1) Regulatory Authority § 982.516(a)(1), 960.257(a)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Permits the PHA to delay the annual reexamination of income and family composition. HCV PHAs must implement HCV-7 for impacted families if they implement this waiver.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH and HCV-3 Family Income and Composition: Annual Examination; Income Verification Requirements

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §§ 5.233(a)(2), 960.259(c), 982.516(a) Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2018-18

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirements to use the income hierarchy, including the use of EIV, and will allow PHAs to consider self-certification as the highest form of income verification. PHAs that implement this waiver will be responsible for addressing material income discrepancies that may arise later.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH and HCV-4 Family Income and Composition: Interim Examinations

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 3(a)(1) Regulatory Authority § 5.233(a)(2), 982.516(c)(2), 960.257(a), (b) and (d), 960.259(c) Sub-regulatory Guidance

PIH Notice 2018-18

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement to use the income verification requirements, including the use of EIV, for interim reexaminations

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH and HCV-5 Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) Monitoring

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 5.233 Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2018-18

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the mandatory EIV monitoring requirements.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH and HCV-6 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Contract of Participation: Contract Extension

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 984.303(d)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides for extensions to FSS contract of participation

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


PH and HCV-7 Waiting List: Opening and Closing; Public Notice

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.206(a)(2) Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2012-34

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives public notice requirements for opening and closing waiting list.  Requires alternative process.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


HQS-1 Initial Inspection Requirements

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(A)(i), Section 8(o)(8)(C) Regulatory Authority §§ 982.305(a), 982.305(b), 982.405

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Changes initial inspection requirements, allowing for owner certification that there are no life-threatening deficiencies. Where self-certification was used, PHA must inspect the unit no later than 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020. 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-2: Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Pre-HAP Contract Inspections: PHA Acceptance of Completed Units

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority: Section 8(o)(8)(A) Regulatory Authority: §§ 983.103(b), 983.156(a)(1)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Changes inspection requirements, allowing for owner certification that there are no life-threatening deficiencies. Where self-certification was used, PHA must inspect the unit no later than 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-3 Initial Inspection: Non-Life-Threatening Deficiencies (NLT) Option

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(A)(ii) Sub-regulatory Guidance HOTMA HCV Federal Register Notice January 18, 2017

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for extension of up to 30 days for owner repairs of non-life-threatening conditions

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-4 HQS Initial Inspection Requirement: Alternative Inspection Option

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(A)(iii) Sub-regulatory Guidance HOTMA HCV Federal Register Notice January 18, 2017

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Under Initial HQS Alternative Inspection Option - allows for commencement of assistance payments based on owner certification there are no life-threatening deficiencies. Where self-certification was used, PHA must inspect the unit no later than 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020. 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-5 HQS Inspection Requirement: Biennial Inspections

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(D) Regulatory Authority § 982.405(a), 983.103(d)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for delay in biennial inspections. All delayed biennial inspections must be completed as soon as reasonably possible but by no later than 1 year after the date on which the biennial inspection would have been required absent the waiver.

Availability Period Ends: 10/31/20. 1 year after the date on which the biennial inspection would have been required absent the waiver

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-6 HQS Interim Inspections

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(F) Regulatory Authority §§ 982.405(g), 983.103(e)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement for the PHA to conduct interim inspection and requires alternative method. Allows for repairs to be verified by alternative methods.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-7 PBV Turnover Unit Inspections

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 983.103(c)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for PBV turnover units to be filled based on owner certification there are no life-threatening deficiencies. Allows for delayed full HQS inspection NLT than 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020. 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-8: PBV HAP Contract: HQS Inspections to Add or Substitute Units

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(A) Regulatory Authority §§ 983.207(a), 983.207(b) Sub-regulatory Guidance HOTMA HCV Federal Register Notice January 18, 2017

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for PBV units to be added or substituted in the HAP contract based on owner certification there are no life-threatening deficiencies. Allows for delayed full HQS inspection NLT 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020. 1-year anniversary of date of owner's certification.


HQS-9 HQS Quality Control Inspections

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §§ 982.405(b), 983.103(e)(3)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides for a suspension of the requirement for QC sampling inspections.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-10 Housing Quality Standards: Space and Security

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.401(d)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement that each dwelling unit have at least 1 bedroom or living/sleeping room for each 2 persons.

Availability Period Ends: Remains in effect one year from lease term or date of this Notice, whichever is longer.

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HQS-11 Homeownership Option: Initial HQS Inspection

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(o)(8)(A)(i), Section 8(y)(3)(B) Regulatory Authority § 982.631(a)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement to perform an initial HQS inspection in order to begin making homeownership assistance payments. Requires family to obtain independent professional inspection.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-1 Administrative Plan

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.54(a)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Establishes an alternative requirement that policies may be adopted without board approval. Any provisions adopted informally must be adopted formally NLT December 31, 2020

Availability Period Ends: 9/30/20. 12/31/20

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-2 Information When Family is Selected: PHA Oral Briefing

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §§ 982.301(a)(1), 983.252(a)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement for an oral briefing. Provides for alternative methods to conduct required voucher briefing.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-3 Term of Voucher: Extensions of Term

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.303(b)(1)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows PHAs to provide voucher extensions regardless of current PHA policy

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-4 PHA Approval of Assisted Tenancy: When HAP Contract is Executed

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.305(c)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides for HAP payments for contracts not executed within 60 days. PHA must not pay HAP to owner until HAP contract is executed

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-5 Absence from Unit

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.312

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for PHA discretion on absences from units longer than 180 days.  PHAs must not make HAP payments beyond 12/31/20 for units vacant more than 180 consecutive days.  

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-6 Automatic Termination of HAP Contract

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.455

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows PHA to extend the period of time after the last HAP payment is made before the HAP contract terminates automatically.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-7 Increase in Payment Standard During HAP Contract Term

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.505(c)(4)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides PHAs with the option to increase the payment standard for the family at any time after the effective date of the increase, rather than waiting for the next regular reexamination to do so.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-8 Utility Allowance Schedule: Required Review and Revision

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.517

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides for delay in updating utility allowance schedule

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-9 Homeownership Option: Homeownership Counseling

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(y)(1)(D) Regulatory Authority §§ 982.630, 982.636(d)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement for the family to obtain pre-assistance counseling.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-10 Family Unification Program (FUP): FUP Youth Age Eligibility to Enter HAP Contract

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(x)(2)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows PHAs to increase age to 26 for foster youth initial lease up.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-11 Family Unification Program (FUP): Length of Assistance for Youth

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(x)(2)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows PHAs to suspend terminations of assistance for FUP youth who will reach the 36-month limit between April 10, 2020, and December 31, 2020.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-12 Family Unification Program (FUP): Timeframe for Referral

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 8(x)(2)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows PHAs to accept referrals of otherwise eligible youth who will leave foster care within 120 days.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-13 Homeownership: Maximum Term of Assistance

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 982.634(a)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows a PHA to extend homeownership assistance for up to 1 additional year.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


HCV-14 Mandatory Removal of Unit from PBV HAP Contract

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §§ 983.211(a); 983.258

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows a PHA to keep a PBV unit under contract for a period of time that extends beyond 180 from the last HAP but does not extend beyond December 31, 2020

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


PH-1 Fiscal Closeout of Capital Grant Funds

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 905.322(b)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Extension of deadlines for ADCC and AMCC

Availability Period Ends: Varies by PHA

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-2 Total Development Costs

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 905.314(c) - (d)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the TDC and HCC limits permitting approval of amounts in excess of published TDC by 25% to 50% on a case by case basis

Availability Period Ends: Applies to development proposals submitted to HUD no later than December 31, 2021

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


PH-3 Cost and Other Limitations: Types of Labor

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §905.314(j)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for the use of force account labor for modernization activities in certain circumstances

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-4 ACOP: Adoption of Tenant Selection Policies

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §960.202(c)(1)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Establishes an alternative requirement that policies may be adopted without board approval. Any provisions adopted informally must be adopted formally NLT December 31, 2020.

Availability Period Ends: 9/30/2020. 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-5 Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR)

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 12(c) Regulatory Authority § 960.603(a) and 960.603(b)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Temporarily suspends CSSR

Availability Period Ends: 3/31/2021

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-6 Energy Audits

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §965.302

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for delay in due dates of energy audits Availability Period Ends: One year beyond 2020 audit deadline

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A


PH-7 Over-Income Families

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 16(a)(5). Sub-regulatory Guidance Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016: Final Implementation of the Public Housing Income Limit 83 FR 35490, Notice PIH 2019-11

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Changes to timeframes for determination of over-income

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-8 Resident Council Elections

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority§ 964.130(a)(1)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides for delay in resident council elections

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-9 Review and Revision of Utility Allowance

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority§ 965.507

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides for delay in updating utility allowance schedule

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-10 Tenant Notifications for Changes to Project Rules and Regulations

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority § 966.5

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Advance notice not required except for policies related to tenant charges

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-11: Designated Housing Plan Renewals

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority: Section 7(f)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Extends the Plan's effective period through December 31, 2020, for Plans due to expire between the date of this Notice and December 31, 2020

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


PH-12: Public Housing Agency Annual Self-Inspections

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority: Section 6(f)(3)

Regulatory Authority: § 902.20(d)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement that the PHA must inspect each project

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 7/2/2020


11a PHAS

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority 24 CFR Part 902

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for alternatives related to inspections. PHA to retain prior year PHAS score unless requests otherwise.

Availability Period Ends: HUD will resume issuing new PHAS scores starting with PHAs with FYE dates of 3/31/21

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A

Date of PHA Adoption: N/A



Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority 24 CFR Part 985

Summary of Alternative Requirements: PHA to retain prior year SEMAP score unless requests otherwise

Availability Period Ends: HUD will resume issuing new SEMAP scores starting with PHAs with FYE dates of 3/31/21

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A

Date of PHA Adoption: N/A


11c Uniform Financial Reporting Standards: Filing of Financial Reports; Reporting Compliance Dates

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority §§ 5.801(c), 5.801(d)(1)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for extensions of financial reporting deadlines Availability Period Ends: Varies by PHA FYE

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


12a PHA Reporting Requirements on HUD Form 50058

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Regulatory Authority 24 CFR Part 908, § 982.158. Sub-regulatory Guidance PIH Notice 2011-65

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Waives the requirement to submit 50058 within 60 days. Alternative requirement to submit within 90 days of the effective date of action.

Availability Period Ends: 12/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020


12b Designated Housing Plans: HUD 60-Day Notification

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 7(e)(1)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Allows for HUD to delay notification about designated housing plan

Availability Period Ends: 7/31/2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: N/A

Date of PHA Adoption: N/A


12c Extension of Deadline for Programmatic Obligation and Expenditure of Capital Funds

Statutory and Regulatory Waivers: Statutory Authority Section 9(j) Regulatory Authority 905.306(d)(5)

Summary of Alternative Requirements: Provides a one-year extension

Availability Period Ends: For all open Capital Fund grants, one-year extension from the obligation and expenditure end dates in LOCCS as of April 10, 2020

Did PHA implement waiver and alternative requirement: Yes

Date of PHA Adoption: 4/13/2020

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